Hi. I'm Emadamerho Nefe,
a Frontend web developer and technical writer from Nigeria. I'm always learniing something new. Of recent, I have been learning more about the React Ecosystem, Next JS, Framer Motion, Auth0, Node JS, Chakra UI and more.

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VGEM Inernational Ltd

VGEM Group is a Lagos-based oil company with operations in serveral states in Nigeria

html css js bootstrap


Designed and built resposive UIs of the websites and the admin and customer dashboards of an energy startup in Lagos.

react material ui Firebase

ShipQuik Logistics

A proposed website for a logistics company based in Lagos.

css js

Task Manager

A task manager app built with React

css react

recipe app

An application to search for different recipes built using the Edamam API.

css react

Image Search App

An application to search through different pictures built using the Pixalbay API.

sass js

geo-search app

An app that displays a location and it's weather data; built using Google Maps and Autocomplete API.

css js

naija network checker

An application that cheks what network your phone number belongs to. It only works for Nigerian numbers.

css js


I love experimenting with new technlologies and sharing what I learn with the tech community.